Friday, August 31, 2012


You know that feeling of freedumb or weight lifted off your back you get when you quit your job? It is a great feeling. I have it cuase I just put in my two weeks and I am off to Denver with a van, some bikes and my dog and my tool box. Montrose has three things and three things only that I am going to miss.
1. the skate park
2. the legenday country western station on the radio, none of that new dance club ackey breaky fakey fuckin america-fuck yearh shit. legenday shit.
3. Lord Mick, you are the only twat (you are what you eat) in this quite, ho dunk, gun loving, god fearing, george bush worshiping cunt ass town that even reads this wierd blog. You will now be king of the castle and all the gnar shredding abundant trails. Rage on brother!


No Composure Will said...

We'll get The Lord moved out here too! Sooner or later Mick!

geoff said...

good on ya, have fun in Denver