Wednesday, May 31, 2023
KX500 Trackmaster finally roosts.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
'Tis the season
The green leaves are all blossomed out like a flood of big beautiful green boobies bouncing about in a busy strip club. Finally a cloak of shelter and privacy from the neighbors allowing freedom to pee outside at will. The birds are singing like a 480 piece choir from the academy no fucks given tourettes syndrom blasting their songs at 4:45 in the morning loud enough to wake up Helen Keller. The afternoon temp is enough for me to climb up on the roof, burning my knees and palms of my hands in the process to resurrect the ol swamp cooler. All this can mean only one thing.... IT IS TIME TO GO RACING!!!!
Monday, May 15, 2023
Captain's log(clogs the toilet)
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
giving, getting, having, letting go, holding the fuck on.
Some people believe in fate, a higher power, or even destiny. I am just as mystified as the rest but I myself believe in what most call manifest destiny. Life is full of crazy emotions, commercial brainwashing, and negative influence but I think at the end of the day we can only control so much of it and one thing we do actually have control over is how we feel. I have learned from my mom that by keeping a positive attitude, good things will attract like a magnet. It is like nature's way of keeping balance. But nature gives and takes and the more you have to give the more it can take. A loss is a hard thing to not feel bad about but we can only grow from every experience and choose how we feel about it when it is all said and done. I have tried to learn from every fail, every regret, every experience and build something from those that I felt the most strong. I reckon passion is like gas on a fire, and the more our internal burning flame grows the more fuel we can consume, fuel being the dream. But instead of burning it down we let that fucking flame rage. But I don't want my ego to consume like a forest fire; Some Evel Knievel heart throb idle hot shot racer. I just want to do what I dig and I really dig going fast. Really fast. I admit that I have more than a few passionate projects burning but they all keep me sane, somehow focused on something so that everything doesn't just drift away like dreams as we awake. Any day could be anyone's last so mind as well enjoy every day. And everything that brings joy, especially those wicked wheels.