Monday, December 13, 2010

last weekend's cross training

Ever since i was a little kid i would use bicycles to imulate dirt bikes and in its own exacting delicate art form pedal bikes have skilled me on motor bikes. after being off my 20 incher for the better part of five years i butterd this eight pack twice with out bailing or crashing once. felt good. The ever popular on this blog Mick demonstates proper style at all times. kid even has WOR patched on his trousers. Whooped-Out-Racing. mighty styling. check the colorado tat.


mcnasty_W.O.R_rider said...

well have to get down on some 50 fuckn nuts and mx fuckn unleashed this weekend to extend our cross training experience.then fuck some bitches and get some money, and well be in the clear.

Unknown said...

Damn mic's lookin good while making the VAG line his biotch!!