Sunday, February 23, 2025

Age cage, caged rage

 This weekend was the one year anniversary of bringing this Wells Coyote serial number 13 home. If you remember I traded a bike from my boneyard for it about the time my homebrew race car was completed. I have managed to keep it under tarp and out of mind (for the most part), but unlike a catholic altar boy; its been untouched. Though the car has a vast history of being fondled, flogged, and unfortunately even molested; I rescued it from a trailer park in arizona from some wheeling dealing cousins, where it was being sold for dune buggy sand rail scrap. before that the O'Maley brothers Rodney and Earl bought it for cheap only to rob it of all of it's good bits for their own Coyote cars. The Johnson brothers raced it in CHCA before that but they never did well and are no longer on talking terms with one another. Ownership before that is not clear but it was raced at Pikes Peak in brilliant shape by the one and only Martini Racing Steven. And more that several others before that.  I will have to post some pictures because it was a beautiful car. Anyhoo, It is just another refugee project in my yard among many but worthy as all hell and get up and go. Especially after taking my homebrew out to my back roads yesterday and having a proper go at driving the Homebrew Hayabusa car. I saw 165 mph on the highly inaccurate speedometer, I floated connecting corners like a drifter's dream, and probably lived more in 15 minutes than the I have in the past few months. The chase of thrill and ability to harness a machine is something that fails to dwindle in my increasing age. The excitement of driving a vehicle of construction more or less of my own is beyond words. It is my life's manifest from an early age. A dream chassed many an entry fee over. Many miles and broken down vans, sponsor paid air fair, bride's maid to a championship, and dreary daunt of task completed no matter the danger at hand. I live the life best liven given my place in this universe. Best I know to anyhow. I often wonder what for and I don't know any answers but I know it sure is fun seeing my little one wonder what she will do...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


What would Bob Hannah do?
He has a way of telling it straight. He probably does not have a colorful group of friends, though I could be wrong. Opinionated people are engaging to be around when they share the same opinions as our self. Different opinions are like different periodic elements. Some do interesting things when mixed. Without all the elements we wouldn't exist. And isn't it truly interesting to learn. To leave your comfort zone. To expand your understandings and grow as a human. It is but I will probably just stick with fixing up pieces of junk and racing them.
It is a good thing this picture is blurry because my welding can hurt your eyes with or without an arc flash. I stay true to my nature: It is better to be more go than show.

After 25 plus years of welding and preaching about learning and growing I still have not learned how to weld as good as I want. Mostly because I lack patience in the preparation phase. But I can fill gaps with the best of them!

Life is full of rot. Rotten sumbitches are everywhere. Hell, most of our great green planet is rot of one kind or another. Maybe the most important thing I have learned is to pay little attention to the negative rotten crap and instead invest your energy and attention to what is positive. Cut out the rot and find the good. Have a little faith in the universe providing whatever it is you need. You might have to look far or work hard but if you focus your energy and hold the cigarette lighter just right, you can light farts like a flame thrower.

Pic of a cool photo I saw hanging in a barn full of motorbike engines I found.

2024 Colorado hill climb racing. 3rd in Super Spring with the Homebrew car and another Motorcycle class championship.
Peace be with you all.