Sunday, February 23, 2020

Short Haired Country Boy with out the hair

I am tired of people blowing wind in my ear about not being lazy. I think a lot of people have given a bad rap to the word lazy. Now this is more than just a stoner thought so hear me out. I think I’m doing all right. I am for sure not saying that I have anything figured out but I am more than happy to put down my tools and fire up a little ol dirtbike and it sure makes a lot of things seem a whole lot more in focus when I do. Don’t get me wrong, I work hard. My new shop has bills the size of French Bull dog balls. And I find a lot of value in following my dream to the finish, just like a big desert race, this shit takes work. But the same people who give me a hard time or make me feel self-conscience are usually the same blow-hards driving big un-paid for brand new vehicles like the ones on the bill board sign and always pissed off that they never take vacations or have any free time to do what I make time for. I to once drank the kool aid, I had huge accounts on all the tool trucks, spent time in hotel lounge bars during annual multi day technical update seminars, and all the while making my boss as much money as I could bill in a day just like one of the hamsters running in one of the spinny fucking wheel things.  I am glad I did because it helped me start out on my dream of having my own shop. But it was tough and no matter what kind of capitalist cookie cutter conformity surrounds me telling me to bill out ten hours a day at $100 per hour for 6 or 7 days a week I know that no amount of money is worth the quality time that life’s clock keeps ticking down. Now I am going to go drink beer and fuck off. Peace.

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