Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wake me up when September ends


The brakes are fixed!! Dare I say this two days before the next race...
Two weeks ago a Wilwood employee told me I had been sold the wrong master cylinder by another Wilwood employee causing my trouble. Then after a long awaited reply from the motorsports division manager Wilwood employee I was told that the cylinder was not the problem. I contemplated self destruction but I siphoned what was left of my ambition out of the life sucking brake bleeder and ordered a master cylinder rebuild kit. Sure enough I found a folded seal in the brand new master cylinder I installed after the cooked brake rotor incident back in May when this whole brake saga started. So of the three Wilwood master cylinders I have bought I have had one leak externally,  one replaced, and one with a folded internal seal.... FTW! 
My old 83 Husqvarna 250 made me the man I am today.

Action shots from the last race.

Sometimes I just go out to my junk yard and meditate behind something...

This little lady just turned 3 and has the shred fever bad!
This is the Coyote now sitting in my yard back when my pal Martini raced it up Pikes Peak. I just found out it to be the same car! I have plenty of projects going but I think I better not back burner this baby too much. It might take awhile to do it proper justice but I start with delivering the 5 rib bus transmission I have to a builder at this weekends race. 

In other news I am restoring my health and an 06 CRF450R to race the Vet World Championships motorcross race at Glen Hellen Nov 1st-3rd. I have never been called the sharpest peanut in the turd. 
Also I have the $1k dyno kit ready to install but I just realized that my selfish pea brain forgot to think through how we are going to get this dyno transported back to Bonneville next time so I may need to pump the brakes on finishing out the current structure.

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