Saturday, December 10, 2011

Its saterday night...

With my heater blowin more hot air than the president these kill whitey hubs oughta be baked like Bob.

This dirty two stroker has expired plates you shit head. find me a fuckin ball!

happy yamaha ha ha ha ha
...shit In the shop.Three years after moving in to my new pad bought for the single reason of having a two car detached garage. with a gas heater hanging from the bare bones rafters. Today, i finnaly completed "finish work" on the shop by insulating the attic. tow years after finshing everything else, filling it with bikes, and running the heater full tilt all winter. no more. not today. its been fucking cold so i took my credit card and bought a shit ton of attic insulation and after loosing more than my temper i was done with the job by 1:30 this afternoon. So, i fired up the heater and enjoyed true warmth like two ferrets fucking in a wool sock, btu, no beenie hat wearin heated shop. I painted the hubs for the underground weapon of Pikes Peak raod racer mayhem and rebuilt the tranny for its '08450R donor motor. This project has me fully crazy.

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