Friday, August 30, 2013


If you don't already read the then get to it. Everything from DIY shed life with zip-tys to updates of the grand national flattrack circuit racing. YAARRGH!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why racing

What exactly is it that captivates some to give anything just to go racing?
It has got to be more than just the adrenaline. Good stuff it is. But what else is bouncing them crazy receptacles in our brain. What is this crazy addiction? Why do so many former racing "buddies" I know get hooked on pain pills and turn life into a stinky coil of shit!
This thrill or high I, and I am sure many of you know, is so primitive and beautiful. Simple. Pure. Dare I say healthy. I feel healthy after a race. True hospital beds always await, but who wants to live with fear? Not us! Not the ones who know what a waiving checkered flag means.
Life is racing.
Life is facing.
Fuck you inner demon. Fuck you naysayer.  With a will is a way.  Excuses are ass holes. Actions speak. What I am really trying to say is:
Good fuckingodamnsumbitch it feels good to race motorcycles.

When passion is plenty full, Money is scarce, Larry logic speaks a loud voice. This is why I put my faith in racing. The ways of using what I have to accomplish what I have. From racing I have learned to keep the straight and narrow path. I can make my own money with my own shop, race bikes I built. Even win the lady of my dreams. And buy our house a new washing machine.

When I was 9 or 10 years old, my Mom bought me an old honda 80 two stoke. I spent the first few weeks trying to get it started. It ran fine but I did not know how to start a bike. Neither did she. After learning to get around the driveway on the pipey fuck. My Mom insisted I race at the local motocross. I was so scared I cried and begged her to not take me. A scaredy little shit I was. But That first race I got a trophy.  For 3rd. I liked that trophy a lot. I still like it.
Thanks Mom.
Thanks to 3rd place trophies. (Even if the class has 3 riders)
Racing is learning how to live. Loving how you live. Sharing it with others is icing on the cake.
It is neat shit.
Is any one still reading this?
What is a blog any hoo?

Monday, August 26, 2013

More Kansas

Thanks to David Aldana for the pics of me and Baja. Cowboy has the most proper pit set up. Proud to have Tommy's Triumph Shop as a Sponsor... And David Aldana.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Motorcycles in the 70's

 This complete set of motorcycle encyclopedias are one of the coolest gifts I have ever received. Thanks Cowboy.
 Open up the first volume to pass some time in the pits between heat races and the main only to find a bunch of David Aldana. Neat, he is parked right next door, with them slick solid aluminum wheels on his truck. He was happy to flip through the pages and give me detailed descriptions on the photos. He is a gold pot of stories from the days of his many motorcycle racing endeavors. He is a down to earth friendly fellow racer who was willing to give me tips on my riding, even watching me on the track, tips on keeping my bike functioning proper and even tips on tuning and servicing the female species. True gent. Rubber ball. Not Burrito. 
He gave me some rubber gloves to were while servicing my clutch and said that I now had to list him as a sponsor. My program is starting to get purdy god damn legit.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kansas county fair series 2013

David Aldana was there all week. He told me so many amazing things and stories. Top class fellow and he was also very fast this year. Gary and Kelly with Light Shoe drive this bus around the whole country to flattrack races. He welded up some broken shit on my bike right before a main event for no charge. Very good people. This is flattrack racing.

I ran across my old DT1 champion. It looks like Aldana did too. The new owner Mark won a few races on it.

Ol junk yard bike got on the podium a couple times in money classes and earned plenty of trophies in amateur classes. The pretty much stock XS gets a lot of positive comments. Dave Stock let me ride his super trick Cheney XS that won the pikes peak vintage class this year and despite its shiny bits, fast as fuck motor and fresh tires, I was still quicker on my old ugly girl.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013